D-1 Mastering DIabetes

A book cover of “Mastering Diabetes”.
A book cover of “Mastering Diabetes”.

- By Authors: Cyrus Khambatta, Robby Barbaro.

and Neal Barnard (For reviews)

We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.

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A groundbreaking method to master all types of diabetes by reversing insulin resistance.

Current medical wisdom advises that anyone suffering from diabetes or prediabetes should eat a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet. But in this revolutionary book 《Mastering Diabetes》 Cyrus Khambatta, PhD, and Robby Barbaro, MPH, rely on a century of research to show that advice is misguided. While it may improve short-term blood glucose control, such a diet also increases the long-term risk for chronic diseases like cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease,and fatty liver disease,etc.

The revolutionary solution is to eat a low-fat plant-based whole-food diet, the most powerful way to reverse insulin resistance in all types of diabetes: type 1, type 1.5, type 2, prediabetes, and gestational diabetes.

As the creators of the extraordinary and effective Mastering Diabetes Method, Khambatta and Barbaro lay out a step-by-step plan proven to reverse insulin resistance-the root cause of blood glucose variability- while improving overall health and maximizing life expectancy. Armed with more than 800 scientific references and drawing on more than 36 years of personal experience living with type 1 diabetes themselves, the authors show how to eat large quantities of carbohydrate-rich whole foods like bananas, potatoes, and quinoa while decreasing blood glucose, oral medication, and insulin requirements. They also provide life-changing advice on intermittent fasting and daily exercise and offer tips on eating in tricky situations, such as restaurant meals and family dinners. Perhaps best of all: On the Mastering Diabetes Method, you will never go hungry.

With more than 30 delicious, filling, and nutrient-dense recipes and backed by cutting-edge nutritional science, Mastering Diabetes will help you maximize your insulin sensitivity, attain your ideal body weight, improve your digestive health, gain energy, live an active life, and feel the best you've felt in years. P

Print length: 399 pages, Language: English, Publication date: February 18, 2020,

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The “ Mastering Diabetes” is a revolutionary method to reverse insulin resistance permanently in all types of diabetes, including type 1, type 1.5, type 2 diabetes, pre- diabetes, and gestative diabetes.

D-1 控制糖尿病


《控制糖尿病》是一种革命性的方法, 可永久地逆转各种类型糖尿病的胰岛素抵抗,包括1 型,1.5 型 和 2 型糖尿病,前期糖尿病,和妊娠性糖尿病的胰岛素抵抗的逆转。

- 作者:Authors: Cyrus Khambatta, Robby Barbaro, Neal Barn (评论和推荐)




现代的医学聪明的建议,是让所有患糖尿病或前期糖尿病者们,吃低碳水化合物,高脂肪饮食。但是,在这个革命性的书,《控制糖尿病》里,Cyrus Khambatta 博士和 RobbyBarbarous 公共卫生硕士, 根据百年以来的研究指出,以上的建议是错误的。虽然它可以改善短期的葡萄糖的控制,而这种膳食可增加长期患慢性病的危险,像癌瘤,高血压,高胆固醇,慢性肾病,心血管病,脂肪肝等病。

在这个超不寻常和有效的《控制糖尿病》的方法中,Khabatta 和 Barbaro 给出一步一步的计划,去逆转胰岛素抵抗 - 这是血糖高的根本病因,解除这个病因,即可改善整体的健康,以及长寿。怍者经过阅读800多科学文献,和他们自身患有36年的 1型糖尿病的经验,指出吃大量的参水化合物,像香蕉,土豆等食物,也可降低血液葡萄糖,降低口服药物,和胰岛素用量。他们也提出了生活方式的改变,如间歇性禁食法,和运动方法,给出在特殊情况下,如何进食,如去餐馆或和家人进晚餐时如何进食等。最好的是,《控制t糖尿病》的方法,你不会感到饥饿。


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