D-3 Insulin Resistance Relates Chronic Diseases
Insulin resistance influences risk for the development of a number of chronic health conditions in addition to diabetes.
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The picture in above shows insulin resistance relates 5 types of diabetes, and many other chronic diseases, including diabetes complications.
Insulin resistance is the major conditions that underlines many chronic metabolic diseases, including 5 types of diabetes and other chronic diseases ( also diabetes complications). That are coronary artery disease, arthrosclerosis, cancer, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), peripheral neuropathy, retinopathy, Alzheimer’s disease, chronic kidney disease, and fatty liver disease, etc.
Insulin resistance is as the central culprit that elevates risk for most chronic diseases and accelerates development of cardiovascular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes and obesity —our planet’s leading causes of death.
More than any other conditions, insulin resistance is the strongest predictor of chronic diseases. Research suggest that all types of diabetes 65% for more than 20 years will die of cardiovascular disease, and 50% will die of kidney failure.
If only get blood glucose control without reversing insulin resistance is not enough to minimize the risk of future diabetes complications.
The good news is that insulin resistance is often detectable up to 20 years before the symptoms and the disease become noticeable, which means that controlling and reversing insulin resistance today can prevent the onset of many chronic metabolic diseases, including diabetes complications in the future.
Above summary of content pick up from the “Mastering Diabetes” book. Learn more of this method, order online, please click the button:
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D-3 胰岛素抵抗相关于慢性病
胰岛素抵抗是许多慢性,代谢性疾病的的基地,包括糖尿病及其并发症,如冠状动脉病,动脉硬化症,癌瘤,高胆固醇症,高血压病,肥胖,多囊性卵巢综合征(PCOS),周围神经病变,视网膜病,Alzheimer‘s 病,慢性肾病,和脂肪肝等。
胰岛素抵抗是中心的罪魁祸首,它增加了众多慢性病的发病危险,加速发展为心血管病,癌瘤,2 型糖尿病,和肥胖 - 是我们地球上人类死亡的首要原因。
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