D-8 Satuated Fatty Acid

Blog post description.: Excess of saturated fatty acids intake decrease s blood glucose shortly, but in a long term it will causes insulin resistance, inflammation, and many chronic diseases.



6/18/20242 min read

D-8 Saturated Fatty Acid

Excess Saturated fatty acids in our body cause insulin resistance and many chronic diseases, including diabete complications.

Fatty acids are found in all whole foods, but mainly in meats, poultry, fish, shelf fish, dairy products (butter,cheese, milk, yogurt, sour cream, ice cream, and whipped cream), and eggs; also high amount of in plant foods including vegetable oil, coconut oil, kernel palmoil, cocoa butter, avocados, coconuts, nuts, and seeds.

Low carbohydrate and high fat diet with high saturated fatty acids may results in low blood glucose levels and a low A1C value in a short term, but a lot of scientific research have clearly demonstrated that saturated fats are powerful trigger for insulin resistance and increase the risk for coronary artery disease, high cholesterol, and cancer, increase overoll risk for many chronic diseses and mortality (early death) in the long term.

The authors' in their <Marstering Diabetes> book, first in a lab. animals are fed high saturated fat-diets to induce obesity and insulin resistance that cannot cure of diabetes.

Saturated fatty acids directly interfere with insulin signaling within hours of entering muscle and liver cells, inhibiting muscle and liver to update glucose from the blood uptake, large amont of saturated fatty acids intake (>10 gram/day) triggers lots of biochemical reactions in the muscle, liver, pancreas, and adipose tissues, which rapidly create an insulin resistance and last for 1-2 days minimum and continue for weeks, months, or years depending the amount of saturated fats in diets and frequently eat it inside muscle and liver cells, the presence of excess saturated fatty acids activate intracellular signals as:

1. Reduce the number of insulin receptors on cell surface.

2.Impair insulin receptors by changing their stucture on cell membrane.

3.Reduce the ability of glucose transport vesicles (GLUT vesicles) not to import glucose into cells from the blood.

4.Increase radical production in metochondia when adipose tissue accumulates excess fatty acids overtime , macrophages invade and secret inflammatory cytokines that create low grade inflammation and directly inhibit the action of trapping glucose and insulin in the blood not for use, then the excess fatty acids directly impair pancreas' beta cells to produce and secret insulin, because beta cells have limited antioxidnt self-defense mechanisms, which makes them easy targets for cell death.

High saturated fatty acid diets also damage for the liver getting fatty liver disease, then become liver cirrhosis with liver insulin resistance and liver inflammation and increase liver to release more glucose and triglycerides in to the blood leading blood glucose, triglycerides and LDL-cholesterol increased that higher risk for arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease

The more LDL-cholesterol people have in their blood, the greater their risk for coronary artery disease, lower saturated fatty acid to 1-5 gram per day not to threat to glucose metabolism, the intake of large amount of saturated fats more than 10 grams per day triggers insulin resistance in tissues .

Reducing total LDL-cholesterol, focus on reducing intake of saturated fatty acids and higher intake of carbohydrate pant-based whole foods in the <Mastering Diabetes> method make the lifestyle changes to reduce insulin resistance, reducing blood glucose for recovery of diabetes also reducing blood LDL-cholesterol levels to prevent heart disease.

Learn more from the <Mastering Diabetes> method and order this book online, click the red "Order" button"

D-8 饱和脂肪酸













如降低饮食中的饱和脂肪酸到1-5克/每天,不会影响体内的糖代谢。也降低血中LDL胆固醇含量,按照《控制糖尿病》方法的食入碳水化合物,植物全食物-改变生活方式,降低胰岛素抵抗,以降低血葡萄糖,逆转糖尿病,降低饱和脂肪酸的食入, 以降低血中LDL胆固醇水平,防治心脏病。
