N-1 Yong Cheng's Representative Novels

Yong Cheng(Author) in a suit and tie with his books.
Yong Cheng(Author) in a suit and tie with his books.

Yong Cheng's Representative Novels

  • (永城的代表作品)

Yong Cheng (永城)- Writer of China Writers Committee (中国作家协会作家)


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The series of novel books - <Secret Investigator I-V.> include I-Yellow Bird (黄雀),

II-Undercover (卧底),III-Family Plot (家族阴谋), IV-Lost Lie (丢失的谎言), and V-Cyber Trap.

(网中人)。 These are commecial crime stories - very intresting, thrilling, suspicious, but reasonable.

Order online, please click the red buttons. Other no red buttons under book photos can order in China's book stores.




a book cover of <黄雀》 in a red shirta book cover of <黄雀》 in a red shirt
a book cover of 《卧底》- Yong Chenga book cover of 《卧底》- Yong Cheng
A book cover of《家族阴谋》.A book cover of《家族阴谋》.
a book cover of the 《网中人》。
a book cover of the 《网中人》。

Commercial Spy Novel

Commercial Trick Novel

Science Fancy Novel

a book with a picture <复苏人》。a book with a picture <复苏人》。

Drama: Yong Cheng's novel <III-Family Plot> (家族阴谋)- Performs on TV 49 sections of drama, named <Jian Yang's Xia Dong> (简言的夏冬) - Chinese Version, 可在下面的“独播库”频道, 或 点击下面的红色键观看:

Yong Cheng (永城)published a series of novel of long stories like <Secret Investigator 1-5>, <Guo Mao Thirty Eight Floor>, First Class Thief>, a scientific fancy novel <Awaken>, and short story novels .

These noves are in Chinese Editions, and in Novel Books-A of this website. Welcome!

N-1 永城的代表作品

Yong Cheng(Author) in a suit and tie with his books.
Yong Cheng(Author) in a suit and tie with his books.

Yong Cheng's Representative Novels

  • (永城的代表作品)

Yong Cheng (永城)- Writer of China Writers Committee (中国作家协会作家)

永城的系列小说书藉 《秘秘密调查师 1-5》是商业犯罪故事 - 非常有趣,惊险,悬疑,但是又在情理之中。


a book cover of <黄雀》 in a red shirta book cover of <黄雀》 in a red shirt
a book cover of 《卧底》- Yong Chenga book cover of 《卧底》- Yong Cheng
A book cover of《家族阴谋》.A book cover of《家族阴谋》.
a book cover of the 《网中人》。
a book cover of the 《网中人》。

Commercial Spy Novel

Commercial Trick Novel

Science Fancy Novel

a book with a picture <复苏人》。a book with a picture <复苏人》。

电视剧: 《简言的夏冬》是根据永城的小说 《家族阴谋》摆设的49集电视剧, 是中文对话。


永城发表的长篇文学作品,有《头等舱的贼》,《国贸三十八层》,系列作品 - 《秘密调查师1-5》,其中包括: 1-黄雀, 2-卧底, 3-家族阴谋,4-丢失的谎言, 5-网中人, 科幻作品 - 《复苏人》, 以及诸多的短篇作品。

这些作品是中文版. 永城作品的介绍 ,在本网站的"小说书籍-A“(Novel Book-A)中,欢迎阅读。