N-3 Family Plot

The author, Yong Cheng is a writer of the Chinese Writers Committee.

<Family Plot> (家族阴谋)is Yong Cheng's novels of the 3rd book in <Secrt Investigator1-5> (秘密调查师 1-5》series novels.

The series of novels are very interesting, thrilling, suspicious, and resonable.

All his novel books are in Chinese editions.

-By Author: Yong Cheng

Introduction to the book <Secret Investigator 3 Family Plot>

- Yong Cheng (Author) - Chinese Edition

This book is an Internet business crime novel in the <Secret Investigator 1-5>.

<Secret Investigator 3 Family PLot>

From Silicon Valley to Beijing, from the time of studying abroad to the unfathomable dark web, the Internet, artificial intelligence, and the cat-and-mouse game in 。。。

The writer, Yong Cheng has a profound engineering education background. Studying abroad for work experience and rare business investigation experience, with convincing brushstrokes throughout the work, he outlines Silicon Valley in the wave of technology entrepreneurship 12 years ago and today's Internet giants, and Beijing, where big data and artificial intelligence are used to spy on privacy, In constant flashbacks and scene flashbacks, a legendary business story is told.

The descriptions in the book on machine learning, data mining, artificial intelligence and network privacy can almost be used as tutorial materials for science and engineering enthusiasts to learn and use.

The plot of the whole book is ups and downs, sometimes unexpected, and reasonable.

- Wei Xuesong (automatic control expert, founder and president of Beijing Songmin Technology Co., Ltd.)

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N-3 秘密调查师3-家族阴谋

A book cover of the <Secret Investigator V Cyber Trap> (网中人)A book cover of the <Secret Investigator V Cyber Trap> (网中人)

永城 (作者) - 中文版


<秘密调查师 3 家族阴谋>



《秘密调查师V 网中人》的作家有着深厚工科教育背景、留洋学习工作历练和罕见商业调查经验,在整部作品中用令人信服的笔触,勾勒了十二年前科技创业浪潮中的硅谷和当今网络巨头,利用大数据和人工智能窥伺隐私的北京,在不断的插叙倒叙、场景闪回中,讲述了一个极具传奇色彩的商业故事。


—上文介绍来自:韦雪松 (自动控制专家,北京松敏科技有限公司创始人、总裁)

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A book <Family Plot>.
A book <Family Plot>.

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