N-4 Jian Yan's Xia Dong

The author, Yong Cheng is a writer of the Chinese Writers Committee.

<Jian yan's Xia Dong> is a TV drama, which is accourding to Yong Cheng's novel <Family Plot> took a film , in Chinese langauge.

The series of novels are very interesting, thrilling, suspicious, and resonable.

All his novel books are in Chinese editions. 中文在英文的下面阅读。

-By The Author: Yong Cheng

Introduction to the book <Secret Investigator 3 Family Plot>

- Yong Cheng (Author) - Chinese Edition

This book is an Internet business crime novel in the <Secret Investigator 1-5>.

<Secret Investigator 3 Family PLot>

The <Family Plot> is a series of novel <Secret Investigator 1-5> , continues previous novels 1 and 2 books, and veveals the deepest secret of previous 2 stories.

The international commercial company's China area, the second boss, Steve gets depress by his foriegn boss, Susan, not hope to get position up, and fall into the whole world's black name list. During this time, a property company occurs in a strange loss-case in Dong Wan, . When Steve investigated the loss-case, he met his classmate, Awen, who came from Taiwan, has studied with Steve in the United Stats as a good classmate. But now, Awen has a big change, from a rich young student becomes a poor Dong Wan property sales man.

Awen's suddenly appears that is not occasionally, Steve deals with the lost many years and remeets the secret old friend, and check the real reason of Awen's appearance, Steve also connects the American and Tokyo colleagues to turn down their international investigation company's CEO. When reveals the secret, Steve finds its backscreen of the secret is a hinded decades of a family plot.

The plot of the whole book is ups and downs, sometimes unexpected, and reasonable.

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N-3 秘密调查师3-家族阴谋

A book <Family Plot> written by Yong Cheng.A book <Family Plot> written by Yong Cheng.

永城 (作者) - 中文版


<秘密调查师 3 家族阴谋>


<家族阴谋》是永城的系列小说 《秘密调查师 1-5》 的第3本书, 是前两本书的前传,揭开了前两个故事幕后更深的隐秘。

跨国商业公司中国区二把手Steve, 受到外籍老板苏珊的打压,不但升职无望,还进入全球CEO的“黑名单”。正在这时,东菀某地产公司发生离奇的失窃案。Steve 在调查失窃案时,邂逅十年前在美国留学时的台湾同学阿文。但今天的阿文却已天壤之别 --从一个台湾大家族的阔少沦为落魄的东菀楼盘销售。阿文的突然出现却并非巧合。Steve和多年后复联的神秘的老友周旋,探知其出现的真正愿因,同时秘密联合美国和东京的同事,在暗中筹划推翻跨国调查公司的CEO。谜底层层揭开,Steve发现,幕后竟然是个隐藏了几十年的家族阴谋。

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Watch the TV drama, click the TV drama button

A TV drama <Jian Yan's Xia Dong>.
A TV drama <Jian Yan's Xia Dong>.
Xia Dong is an actor in TV drama <Jian Yan's Xia Dong>.
Xia Dong is an actor in TV drama <Jian Yan's Xia Dong>.
Jian Yan is an actress in TV drama <Jian Yan's Xia Dong>.
Jian Yan is an actress in TV drama <Jian Yan's Xia Dong>.
Actors and actresses in TV drama <Jian Uan's Xia Dong>.
Actors and actresses in TV drama <Jian Uan's Xia Dong>.